Writer - Hannah Ii-Epstein
Director - Anna Rose Epstein
Trailer - Austin Talley


Jaqui Jackson
Jessica London Shields
Jill Sandmire


It's a simple story: Girl meets Girl.

On a park bench in between Uptown and Wrigley Field, two women manage to bump into each other every few days.

Are there meetings more then just happenstance?

Could there be a relationship?

As the women test the bounds of conversation in an unconventional location, (a place where Wrigley field "chochs" and "Trixies" would parade past every evening), their relationship grows closer.

The "newbie" probes even further at the most queer-centric part of the couple, and as secrets are uncovered, the true nature of this relationship is finally asked: Is love something you can find on the street?

Are we bigger then what we really are?

And, in the end, can we trust ourselves enough to trust someone else?